
Tuesday, 15 March 2016

The Slayer

There lived a small boy who lived with a warrior. The boy asked “What is your name?”
My name is Zeus” he replied.
“My name is Hercules, said the boy. when I grow up I'm going to be The Slayer”

Hercules was in a very mysterious forest and he fought a lot of Gods like Kronos,Hades and Cerberus. Zeus,Hercules and Poseidon went to war with the Gods. They had to get all of the Gods, to help them because they won’t be strong enough against the evil Gods. They  first went to Ares then Demeter. They heard a strange sounds, it sounded like Kronos. Zeus said “That's not good news”
Hercules said “Why?”
Zeus replied “It’s because he is stronger than me”
While they were coming they trained people to help them defend their town. They asked people, that were strong,fit and brave like Hercules to join the army.

It was night, Hercule’s and the generals told the people to hurry before it was too late. They had to get archers prepared and soldiers prepared. They told them how to start off “People with spears and shield go in front, archers go on a the gates and soldiers go at the back of the spears, so when they attack some soldiers of them will be dead and after they attack we attack”.  While they were training, He saw things moving. Hercules told Zeus, Zeus said “Tell the soldiers to go get ready!”. He ran to them and shouted:  “Go in front of the gates and we will close it and we will come”.

“Charge!” Kronos and Hades shouted. Zeus's archers that were on the gates shot flaming arrows at Krono’s army. Demeter and Apollo gave the order to attack. “Now!” Demeter said.
Kronos and Zeus did charged forward, “You will die” said Zeus
Kronos replied “Let see about that”.
Zeus got out his lightning bolt he threw  it with all his might and strength. Kronos blocked it and took out his sword. He  tried to cut off his head but it was no use. Zeus used shock waves so that Kronos wouldn’t see anything, Zeus ran as fast as he could and he cut  his body into pieces and threw it to hell.

Hades and Hercules went up to each other they both got out there whips. They hit each other at the same time, it made them both weak. Hercules stood up and broke Hades back and he ripped his heart out. It was last battle against Cerberus and every single God that was good. They all used their powerful move, it made a massive explosion and he was dead. The soldiers were shouting out “Victory is ours!” Unfortunately not all soldiers’ survived. For their bravery they got medals and new shiny armour. All the God’s were proud of Hercules. From that day on they called Hercules the ‘Slayer’.


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