
Thursday 9 June 2016


Key Words:
  • Arthropods          -Venom       -3,000 eggs      -Habitat
  • Air breathing       -Largest       -Egg sack        -Antarctica
  • Eight legs            -Arachnids   -Dark holes     -Black widow
  • Fangs                  -8 eyes        -Webs            -Not insects

Spiders are dangerous and poisonous. Some have fangs that are used to bite their victims and transfer their poisonous venom into their victim's body. Spiders are well known as the largest arthropods. Arthropods are large insects like spiders and crustacean. They are air breathers and they can swim in the water. They are rare to find in the water. One of of the most common spider is the daddy long legs. Daddy long legs have fangs but there fangs are too small to bite their victims. They are known as the most poisonous spiders.

You mostly find spiders in dark holes or dark spaces. Most spiders have 8 eyes like a tarantula. A tarantula is a hairy big spider that  is found in tropical America.The female can lay up to three thousand eggs.You can mostly find wild and big spiders in a big jungle. No spiders live in  Antarctica because it is too cold because of the temperature. A Black widow is a highly venomous American spider which has a black body with red marking on its body.


Anonymous said...

Very informative Immanuel

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