
Friday, 26 June 2015

Trust Callenge

Our teacher counted us up to numbers of 1-2.  You are not allowed on the grass. Number 1 had to lead the way so that the other person could not bang into something because they will not injure themselves. You have to tell the instruction for example if I was  person 1 I’ll tell him to go left right. When you see steps you say stairs before  you get there.  Once you reach your destination you can tell your friend that it is alright to open up your eyes.   

Once you get to the gate you swap partners. You are now allowed to go on the grass. This activity is the same thing as the first activity but longer and harder. You have to swap partners the person who was number 1 has to be number 2. You go onto the grass and go around the park and go inside. You can go around your house, shed,school and others. Once you are done you can tell number 2 that he/she can open up his/her eyes.   

Then we went inside our classroom and try to make a mess using the equipment around the classroom. You go and spin another person but his eyes are closed this is just like hot and cold but you have to listen to the other person instructions because if you didn't you would get hurt from the objects. You could go down the tables go up side and others. You just listen to your partner. You get span around and you have to try to get out of the maze. He will say “go under up left and right”. When you get back safely then that’s the end of the activity.


Anonymous said...

Well done Immanuel, this independent writing task shows me how your writing skills and your interest in sharing your work has increased. Great sentences and appropriate use of full stops to finish ideas too, You next focus is to use a variety of sentence starters. Keep up the great work Immanuel - I am proud of you!

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