
Friday, 30 August 2013

Playing With Matches

Thesis I believe we should not play with matches.

Reason.1 We should not play with matches because it could burn down your house. This Is bad because you could lose everything that you need for body.

Reason.2 Playing with matches could   burn you.This is bad because you could get burnt from the fire.

Reason.3 Playing with matches could get people in danger.This is bad because  it could be an explosion.

conclusion We should not play with matches cause it could burn down your house.This is bad because you could lose everything you need for your body.You could get brunt from it. Playing with matches could also can course an explosion.  

Monday, 26 August 2013

I'm a Mathematician

I am updating you about what I have learnt today. In maths today room 5 learnt how to do times tables and additions.  I thought it was a lot easy and fun too.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

My Food Pyramid

We are learning to eat the right food and to stay healthy because God had made us in his image if we eat right food we are respecting God. I know what food is healthy and whats not healthy this is what my food pyramid looks like.

Friday, 9 August 2013

My Cool Math Activity

We are learning about area . I know I a have learnt this when I have estimated,measured,compared to other people and took of my work.This the work I have done.

My Cool Persuasion Map

 We are learning to make a structure for a persuasion text . The structure we used had a thesis, three reason and with each reason it had three facts or example, the last bit was the conclusion. I know I have learnt the structure of a persuasion  text when I can write a persuasion text.

Friday, 2 August 2013

My Math Activity

 WALT use non-standard to find the area of the shape. I know I have learnt this by doing all the steps like drawing a shape and estimating and taking a picture and checking it.My object shows me that six  can fit in the area of the shape.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

My Awesome Goal

We have been learning about goals I know I have learnt this by writing my goals I have achieve my goal by being positive. 

My goal for writing is to write  ambitious vocab.  This is important because it will make people read it and it will make my story more interesting.The steps I will take to achieve my goal will be  ambitions vocab and put exiting words.I need six ambitions vocab in writing.

My goal for Reading  is to learn new words. This is important because  it can help you in your writing. The steps I will take to achieve my goal will be learning new words and can help in writing to.

My goal for Maths is to do my basic facts every day until I get better. This is important because I can get a higher score in basic facts test. The steps I will take to achieve my goal will be  my basic facts sheet every day at home and i will get different scores every day.


We have been learning about what dose respect mean to me. We know that we learnt this lesson is when a golden rule. Our digital learning shows what we
think respect means and our golden rule.